Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Museo de Arte Moderno (Mexico Museum of Modern Art)

Intended Audience
The target audience of this website is anybody interested in the Museo de Arte Moderno specifically, or those interested in modern art in Mexico or modern art in general. However, since it is written in Spanish, it will only appeal to those who can read Spanish, and therefore it seems the site is not intended for potential foreign visitors.

Usefulness of Content
The content of this site does appear to be useful. However, I must confess that my ability to read Spanish is limited, so I may be missing important information. That said, the site has information regarding directions to the museum, the hours of operation, contact information, public service programs, information on the museum's permanent holdings, and the history of the museum.

Consistency of Design
The site does have some significant consistency of design issues. While it does have a unified appearance to it, different links that appear similar have very different results, with some opening boxes that can be moved around and closed, others opening tabs, and still others that open flash pages that cover the central site and require you to click on the museum's logo to return to the main screen.

Ease of Navigation
The navigation on this site is, to put it bluntly, terrible. The site is flash-based so you cannot use your browser's navigation buttons. What a link leads to is hidden unless you mouse over it, thereby forcing you to explore multiple links until you can find what you're looking for. The links that open tabs sometimes require scrolling, but the design of the scrolling buttons isn't very obvious. Also, as stated in the consistency of design section, certain sections require different actions to return to the main screen.

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