Tuesday, November 20, 2007

English History-Tudors


Intended Audience:
  • People interested in English History, the Tudors, or the Renaissance
Usefulness of Content:
  • The information contained within this site isn't useful in any practical way
  • While it might have been useful for research purposes because it contains both primary and secondary sources this is negated by the fact that there are no citations for these sources-only the creator's word that they are actually (for example) the letters of Henry VIII's six wives (while the .net in the web address inspires confidence, the fact that the site hasn't been updated recently and many of the pages are dead does not)
  • Mostly the information is useful to those who are curious about the Tudors and aren't picky about whether it is truth or not
Consistency of Design:
  • While the background and text styles remain the same throughout the site the structure of the pages changes-so on each new page the visitor must re-learn where everything is
  • Ex. The pages available to click on under the Biographies Category tend to have a portrait with the list of available names to the right of it but under the Portraits Category the names are underneath the picture
  • In reference to the example mentioned above-while most pages try to contain most of their information within one page (so there is no scrolling) the link under the Portraits Category has all the information available only when you scroll down-this inconsistency makes it harder for the user to realize that he/she must scroll to find the information
  • No header or list common to all the pages
Ease of Navigation:
  • A lot of blank space with easy to see links makes it easy to navigate but since there is no common header or list on every page it is easy to forget what's available
  • However every page does have an easily seen link back to the previous page so a person won't get lost but this is just as easily accomplished as the Back button in the browser window
  • Because this isn't a particularly deep site this isn't a big deal but this site could use some professional work

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