Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Family Watchdog

Intended Audience:

  • Basically everyone in the United States-Anyone who is worried about safety in their neighborhood
  • Also aimed at parents-so they can better protect their children
  • Maybe aimed at people who are moving to a new neighborhood

Usefulness of Content

  • Extremely useful for everyone-Helps to identify sex offenders in neighborhoods throughout the U.S.-Where they live, what crimes they have committed, a picture of them etc.
  • Negative Aspect: Pictures of the offenders is probably the most useful part of the site but a lot of times the picture is not available

Consistency of Design

  • Very consistent-blue and grey throughout
  • Banner across the top remains the same
  • Few advertisements to take away from the content
  • Same tone throughout-No joking, Just facts that highlight the importance of the subject

Ease of Navigation

  • Extremely user-friendly
  • Tabs at the top very clearly state their purpose
  • Not a lot of links embedded to allow the user to wander off
  • Even provides directions on how to set up a link to it from another website or how to email the website to a friend

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