Wednesday, November 14, 2007



Intended Audience:
People who want to stay hyper-connected to other people; people who want to take advantage of the opportunity to stalk other people that the other people provide.

Usefulness of Content:
Is twitter useful? Will it help save people? Maybe not, but I bet Google wants to buy it. Twitter is tiny updates, ie from phones, about where you are or what you're doing. Twitters I would twitter, if I twittered:
-In class. Dying.
-Sitting in the PCL--no one told me it was Whore Costume Day?
-This is a really long stop light.

Then if you subscribed to my twitter, you would be know that at various points of my day I was a) dying in class; b) sitting in the PCL feeling codgerish and mean; and c) stuck in traffic somewhere. I'm sure this is useful information for someone!

Consistency of Design:

Ease of Navigation:
Once you know the username of the person you're looking for, you're golden. I haven't tried browsing around (it's more designed for "here's a link to my twitter" than "I wonder if ___ is on twitter?"), but it's probably pretty straightforward. I think "twitter" is almost a self-descriptive onomatopoeia.

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